Export Control Activities

Your research or activities may be subject to export controls if you:

• Are shipping items internationally

• Will be traveling outside the U.S.

• Plan to have foreign national(s) participate in research or want to collaborate with a researcher or institution from outside the U.S.

• Are working on a project that has contractual restrictions regarding proprietary information, foreign national participation, publications restrictions, or that specifically includes export control regulations as a condition of the award, contract, or agreement.

• Will be receiving military or space related information, controlled unclassified/covered defense information, technical data, equipment or software, or will require a DD2345 form.

• Will be researching or working on subjects related to nuclear, chemical, biological, weaponry, missiles, or unmanned vehicle technologies.

• Working with encryption technology.

• Will perform work involving select agents or other pathogens

! Remember to report any in-kind foreign collaboration on your COI disclosure. 


Contact the ODU Research Security at: exportcontrol@c178.net